Wednesday, August 14, 2013

CWCC AUGUST 2013 - Week #2

Here are the results from week #2 of our four-round August Swiss:

Week #2 Results
1-0 - Ben Swiszcz (W) - Gil Bricault (B)
1/2 - Richard Dusza (W) - Nicholas Liotta (B)
0-1 - Louis Giarrusso (W) - Boris Zhevelyuk (B)
1/2 - Frank Vogel (BYE)
1/2 - Marc Ferretti (BYE)

Week #2 Standings
2.0 - Ben Swiszcz
1.5 - Frank Vogel
1.0 - Gil Bricault, Marc Ferretti, Richard Dusza, Boris Zhevelyuk, Nicholas Liotta
0.0 - Louis Giarrusso

Round three will be next Tuesday, August 20. See you then!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

CWCC AUGUST 2013 - Week #1

Here are the results from week #1 of our four-round August Swiss:

Week #1 Results
0-1 - Boris Zhevelyuk (W) - Ben Swiszcz (B)
1-0 - Frank Vogel (W) - Louis Giarrusso (B)
1/2 - Marc Ferretti (W) - Richard Dusza (B)
1 - Gil Bricault (BYE)

Week #1 Standings
1.0 - Ben Swiszcz, Frank Vogel, Gil Bricault
0.5 - Marc Ferretti, Richard Dusza
0.0 - Boris Zhevelyuk, Louis Giarrusso

Round two will be next Tuesday, August 13, 2013. Games start at 7:00 sharp. Hope to see you there!

Thursday, August 1, 2013


The Cranston Chess Club held its JULY BLITZ tournament on July 30.  Our second blitz rated event.  Eight players, six rounds; that is twenty four games in under three hours!

The next month with 5 Tuesdays is October.  October 29th may be our next blitz event.

Final Blitz Standings
5.5 - Frank Vogel
5.0 - Boris Zhevelyuk
4.0 - Ben Swiszcz
3.0 - Mark Neale
2.5 - Richard Dusza, Louis Giarrusso
1.0 - Gil Bricault
0.5 - P.J. Marchand

Sunday, July 28, 2013

CCC JULY - Week #4

CCC July 2013, our regular one-game/week tournament ended last Tuesday

Week #4 Results
1-0 - Ben Bentrup (W) - Louis Giarrusso (B)
0-1 - John Magill (W) - Ben Swiszcz (B)
0-1 - Ed Burnett (W) - Boris Zhevelyuk (B)
0-1 - Marc Ferretti (W) - Dan Dicecco (B)
0-1 - Gil Bricault (W) - Mark Neale (B)

Week #4 Standings
4.0 - Ben Bentrup
3.0 - Ben Swiszcz, Boris Zhevelyuk
2.0 - Louis Giarrusso
1.5 - Frank Vogel, Marco Ribizzi, Dan Dicecco, Mark Neale, John Magill
1.0 - Ed Burnett, Mark Ferretti
0.5 - John Lundell, Gil Bricault

1st - Ben Bentrup
2nd - Ben Swiszcz, Boris Zhevelyuk
Top-Under-Median - Louis Giarrusso

July 30th is BLITZ night.  Don't miss it!  It will be a fast paced night of chess.  G/7;d3, that is game in seven minutes with a 3 second delay.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

CCC JULY - Week #3

Week #3 Results
0-1 - Ben Swiszcz (W) - Ben Bentrup (B)
0-1 - John Magill (W) - Louis Giarrusso (B)
1-0 - Boris Zhevelyuk (W) - Marc Ferretti (B)
0-1 - John Lundell (W) - Frank Vogel (B)
1 - Ed Burnett (BYE)
1/2 - Marco Ribizzi (BYE)
1/2 - Gil Bricault (BYE)

Week #3 Standings
3.0 - Ben Bentrup
2.0 - Ben Swiszcz, Louis Giarrusso, Boris Zhevelyuk
1.5 - Frank vogel, Marco Ribizzi, John Magill
1.0 - Ed Burnett, Marc Ferretti
0.5 - Dan dicecco, Mark Neale, John Lundell, Gil Bricault

Next Tuesday is the last night of our regular July tournament.

July 30th will be a blitz night at the Cranston Chess Club.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

CCC JULY - Week #2

Things are heating up in July!

Week #2 Results
1-0 - Ben Bentrup (W) - Marco Ribizzi (B)
0-1 - Boris Zhevelyuk (W) - Ben Swiszcz (B)
1-0 - Louis Giarrusso (W) - Gil Bricault (B)
1-0 - Marc Ferretti (W) - Edwin Burnett (B)
1/2 - Dan Dicecco (BYE)
1/2 - John Magill (BYE)

Week #2 Standings
2.0 - Ben Bentrup, Ben Swiszcz
1.5 - John Magill
1.0 - Marco Ribizzi, Louis Giarrusso, Marc Ferretti, Boris Zhevelyuk
0.5 - Dan Dicecco, Mark Neale
0.0 - Ed Burnett, Gil Bricault

Mark your calendar for BLITZ on July 30th.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

CCC JULY - Week #1

Starting off July with a bang!  Have a safe Independence Day.

Week #1 Results
0-1 - Ed Burnett (W) - Ben Bentrup (B)
1-0 - Ben Swiszcz (W) - Louis Giarrusso (B)
0-1 - Marc Ferretti (W) - Marco Ribizzi (B)
0-1 - Dan Dicecco (W) - Boris Zhevelyuk (B)
0-1 - Gil Bricault (W) - John Magill (B)
1/2 - Mark Neale (BYE)

Week #1 Standings
1.0 - Ben Bentrup, Ben Swiszcz, Marco Ribizzi, John Magill, Boris Zhevelyuk
0.5 - Mark Neale
0.0 - Dan Dicecco, Ed Burnett, Louis Giarrusso, Marc Ferretti, Gil Bricault

Don't forget about the single night blitz event on July 30th.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Cranston July Weekly and 5th Tuesday Blitz

During the first 4 Tuesdays of July (2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd) we'll have our normal 4-week swiss tournament.  Show up at 6:30, games start at 7:00.  One 1/2 point bye is available during weeks 1-3.  No 1/2 point bye on the 4th week.  Time control is 40/70,SD/30;d5.  Entry fee is $3 per game for club members, $5 per game for non-members.  Prizes for 1st place, 2nd place and top-under-median will be awarded based on the number of entries.

On the 5th Tuesday of July (30th) we'll have a one night blitz event.  Show up at 6:30, games start at 7:00.  6 round swiss with a time control of G/7;d3 (7 minutes with a 3 second delay!).  Entry fee is $3 (members or non-members) for the entire blitz night.  Prizes for 1st and 2nd places will be awarded based on the number of entries.  As of today (June 28 2013) there are only 22 players on the USCF Top Rated (Blitz) Players in RI. Come get your blitz rating established!  See our previous blog post CCC APRIL BLITZ for the results of our last blitz event.

USCF membership is required to play in either of these events.  Non-USCF-members are welcome to stop by and spectate and/or play un-rated side games.

See our website for directions

Thursday, June 27, 2013

CCC JUNE - Week #4

CCC June 2013 ends with a four-way tie for second with this month's tournament winner a full point ahead.

Week #4 Results
1-0 - Ben Swiszcz (W) - Mark Neale (B)
1-0 - Marco Ribizzi (W) - Richard Dusza (B)
0-1 - Ed Burnett (W) - Frank Vogel (B)
0-1 - Marc Ferretti (W) - Boris Zhevelyuk (B)
1-0 - Gil Bricault (W) - Louis Giarrusso (B)
1 - John Magill (BYE)

Week #4 Standings
3.5 - Benjamin Swiszcz
2.5 - Carlos Avalos, Frank Vogel, Marco Ribizzi, Boris Zhevelyuk
2.0 - Richard Dusza, Mark Neale, Gil Bricault
1.5 - Ben Bentrup, John Magill, Ed Burnett, Louis Giarrusso
1.0 - Marc Ferretti
0.5 - James McGrath
0.0 - Alekhine Avalos

1st - Ben Swiszcz
2nd - Carlos Avalos, Frank Vogel, Marco Ribizzi, Boris Zhevelyuk
Top-Under-Median - Gil Bricault

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

CCC JUNE - Week #3

C.Avalos and B.Swiszcz lead with 2.5 points, R.Dusza and M.Neale follow with 2.0 points.  The final round is next week (June 25).

Week #3 Results
1/2 - Richard Dusza (B) - Ben Swiszcz (B)
0-1 - Boris Zhevelyuk (W) - Carlos Avalos (B)
1/2 - Louis Giarrusso (W) - Ed Burnett (B)
1-0 - Frank Vogel (W) - Marc Ferretti (B)
1-0 - Marco Ribizzi (W) - John Magill (B)
1-0 - Gil Bricault (W) - Alekhine Avalos (B)
1/2 - Ben Bentrup (BYE)
1/2 - Mark Neale (BYE)

Week #3 Standings
2.5 - Carlos Avalos, Ben Swiszcz
2.0 - Richard Dusza, Mark Neale
1.5 - Ben Bentrup, Frank Vogel, Marco Ribizzi, Boris Zhevelyuk, Ed Burnett, Louis Giarrusso
1.0 - Marc Ferretti, Gil Bricault
0.5 - John Magill, James McGrath
0.0 - Alekhine Avalos

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

CCC JUNE - Week #2

B.Swiszcz leads with 2.0 points after two rounds.  C.Avalos, R.Dusza, M.Neale and B.Zhevelyuk follow closely with 1.5 points.  Two more rounds to play (June 18 and 25).

Week #2 Results
1-0 - Ben Swiszcz (W) - Ben Bentrup (B)
1/2 - Carlos Avalos (W) - Mark Neale (B)
1/2 - Boris Zhevelyuk (W) - Richard Dusza (B)
1-0 - Ed Burnett (W) - Marco Ribizzi (B)
0-1 - Alekhine Avalos (W) - Louis Giarrusso (B)
1-0 - Marc Ferretti (W) - Gil Bricault (B)
1/2 - James McGrath (BYE)

Week #2 Standings
2.0 - Ben Swiszcz
1.5 - Carlos Avalos, Richard Dusza, Mark Neale, Boris Zhevelyuk
1.0 - Ben Bentrup, Ed Burnett, Louis Giarrusso, Marc Ferretti
0.5 - Marco Ribizzi, James McGrath
0.0 - Alekhine Avalos, Gil Bricault

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

CCC JUNE - Week #1

Our June swiss tournament started this week.  This will be a four round event with one game every week (June 4, 11, 18, 25).

The time control for this event is 40/70,SD/30;d5.

Week #1 Results
1-0 - Ben Bentrup(W) - Ed Burnett(B)
0-1 - Louis Giarrusso(W) - Carlos Avalos(B)
1-0 - Richard Dusza(W) - Marc Ferretti(B)
0-1 - Alekhine Avalos(W) - Ben Swiszcz(B)
1-0 - Mark Neale(W) - James McGrath(B)
0-1 - Gil Bricault(W) - Boris Zhevelyuk(B)

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

CCC MAY - Week #4

This week concludes our CCC May 2013 swiss tournament.

Week #4 Results
1-0 - Carlos Avalos (W) - Boris Zhevelyuk (B)
1/2 - Marc Ferretti (W) - Louis Giarrusso (B)
1-0 - Mark Neale (W) - Ed Burnett (B)

Week #4 Standings
3.5 - Carlos Avalos
2.5 - Tomas Ramirez, Ben Swiszcz
1.5 - Frank Vogel, Dan Dicecco, Mark Neale, Boris Zhevelyuk, Louis Giarrusso, Marc Ferretti
0.5 - Ed Burnett, P.J. Marchand, Alex Shtutin, Gil Bricault

1st - Carlos Avalos
2nd - Tomas Ramirez, Ben Swiszcz
Top-Under-Median - Louis Giarrusso, Marc Ferretti

Sunday, May 26, 2013

2013 Championship Trophy

Richard Dusza, 2013 Cranston Chess Club Champion, receiving his trophy from club president Frank Vogel.  Richard went undefeated with 7 wins and 1 draw in our 8 round club championship earlier this year in January and February.  Photo by Ben Swiszcz.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

CCC May - Week #3

3 players are tied for first with only one round to go!  The last round in May is next Tuesday (5/28).

Week #3 Results
1/2 - Tomas Ramirez (W) - Carlos Avalos (B)
0-1 - Boris Zhevelyuk (W) - Benjamin Swiszcz (B)
0-1 - Louis Giarrusso (W) - Dan Dicecco (B)
0-1 - Ed Burnett (W) - Marc Ferretti (B)
1/2 - Frank Vogel (BYE)

Week #3 Standings
2.5 - Carlos Avalos, Tomas Ramirez, Benjamin Swiszcz
1.5 - Frank Vogel, Dan Dicecco, Boris Zhevelyuk
1.0 - Louis Giarrusso, Marc Ferretti
0.5 - Ed Burnett, P.J. Marchand, Alex Shtutin, Gil Bricault

Monday, May 20, 2013

R.I. State Chess Championship

R.I. State Chess Championship is in less than two weeks!

Mark your calendar for the weekend of June 1st & 2nd. Open, U2000 and U1800 sections are both days (Saturday & Sunday). U1600 and U1200 sections are one day (Sunday Only).

Here is a link to the richess flyer for the event...

Saturday, May 18, 2013

CCC MAY - Week #2

Our May 2013, 4 round swiss, tournament is underway.  Here are the results and standings after two rounds. The next round will be Tuesday May 21.

Week #1 Results
0-1 - P.J. Marchand (W) - Carlos Avalos (B)
1-0 - Tomas Ramirez (W) - Marc Ferretti (B)
0-1 - Alex Shtutin (W) - Frank Vogel (B)
1-0 - Louis Giarrusso (W) - Gil Bricault (B)
1/2 - Benjamin Swiszcz (BYE)
1/2 - Ed Burnett (BYE)
1/2 - Boris Zhevelyuk (BYE)

Week #2 Results
1-0 - Carlos Avalos (W) - Louis Giarrusso (B)
0-1 - Frank Vogel (W) - Tomas Ramirez (B)
1-0 - Benjamin Swiszcz (W) - Ed Burnett (B)
0-1 - Marc Ferretti (W) - Boris Zhevelyuk (B)
1/2 - P.J Marchand (BYE)
1/2 - Alex Shtutin (BYE)
1/2 - Gil Bricault (BYE)

Week #2 Standings
2.0 - Carlos Avalos, Tomas Ramirez
1.5 - Benjamin Swiszcz, Boris Zhevelyuk
1.0 - Frank Vogel, Louis Giarrusso
0.5 - Ed Burnett, P.J. Marchand, Alex Shtutin, Gil Bricault
0.0 - Marc Ferretti

We play every Tuesday at the Garden City Center in Cranston RI.  See our webpage for directions.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


The Cranston Chess Club held its APRIL BLITZ tournament on April 30. Our first blitz rated event.  Ten players + six rounds + three hours = One exciting evening of chess.  G/7;d3 is quite a change of pace from our normal 40/70,SD/30;d5 time control.

Stay tuned, we may do something similar on the 5th Tuesday of July.

Final Blitz Standings
5.0 - Dan Dicecco
4.5 - Mark Neale
4.0 - Alex Shtutin, Frank Vogel
3.5 - Richard Dusza
3.0 - Boris Zhevelyuk, P.J. Marchand
2.0 - Louis Giarrusso
1.0 - Gil Bircault
0.0 - Marc Ferretti

There is not much time for recording your game in blitz.  Here is the only record of any of the games.  The final position...
Black to Move.
Note: White started on rank #8 and Black on #1.  It's blitz, that doesn't mater!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

CCC APRIL - Week #4 - Zhevelyuk-Neale

Testing out a new way to post games from the club on the blog. This game was from this month's final round. I might try to annotate it if I have more time. Enjoy. - Mark

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

CCC APRIL - Week #4

This week concludes our CCC April 2013 swiss tournament.

Week #4 Results
0-1 - Boris Zhevelyuk (W) - Mark Neale (B)
1-0 - Richard Dusza (W) - Marc Ferretti (B)
0-1 - Ed Burnett (W) - Frank Vogel (B)
1-0 - John Magill (W) - Gil Bricault (B)
1-0 - P.J. Marchand (W) - Louis Giarrusso (B)

Week #4 Standings
3.5 - Mark Neale
3.0 - Richard Dusza
2.5 - Boris Zhevelyuk
1.5 - Frank Vogel, Ben Swiszcz, John Magill, Ed Burnett, Cameron Pita, Yang Ming Zou, P.J. Marchand, Alex Shtutin
1.0 - Marc Ferretti
0.5 - Louis Giarrusso, Bryan Boche, Naythan Delgado, Gil Bricault

1st - Mark Neale
2nd - Richard Dusza
Top-Under-Median - Boris Zhevelyuk

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

CCC APRIL - Week #3

Our April swiss tournament continues...

Next Tuesday (April 23) will be the last round of this event.  Prizes* will be given to 1st, 2nd and Top-Under-Median**

Week #3 Results
0-1 - Ed Burnett (W) - Mark Neale (B)
0-1 - Marc Ferretti (W) - Boris Zhevelyuk (B)
0-1 - Frank Vogel (W) - Richard Dusza (B)
0-1 - Bryan Broche (W) - Cameron Pita (B)
1-0 - Yang Ming Zou (W) - Naythan Delgado (B)
1-0 - Alex Shtutin (W) - P.J. Marchand (B)
1/2 - Louis Giarrusso (W) - John Magill (B)

Week #3 Standings
2.5 - Mark Neale, Boris Zhevelyuk
2.0 - Richard Dusza
1.5 - Benjamin Swiszcz, Edwin Burnett, Cameron Pita, Yang Ming Zou, Alex Shtutin
1.0 - Marc Ferretti
0.5 - Frank Vogel, John Magill, Louis Giarrusso, P.J. Marchand, Bryan Boche, Naythan Delgado

* The prize fund is equal to 85% of the entry fees collected.  1st receives 55% of the prize fund, 2nd receives 30% and Top-Under-Median receives 15%.
** The tournament median rating is calculated by averaging the weekly median rating of the players that played each week.  Top-Under-Median is the highest scoring player with a published rating that is lower than the tournament median.  The April 2013 rating supplement is being used for this tournament.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Cranston 5th Tuesday Blitz!

Mark your calendars.  April 30th the Cranston Chess Club will host its first blitz tournament.  Come to establish your new BLITZ rating.

6SS, G/7;d3, EF: $3 to CCC members, $5 to non-members, Prizes: Based on # of entries, Reg: 6:30-6:55pm, Rnds: 7:00pm then ASAP, Byes: One 1/2 point bye available in any round except the final round.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Cranston Chess Club Membership

Club membership is $15/year, $10/year for youth(<19) and seniors(55+).  Club membership is not required to play in our tournaments.  However, members have reduced entry fees ($3/game for members, vs. $5/game for non-members).

At our club meeting this year it was decided to transition all memberships to the same expiration date, (4/30/2014).  This should simplify the membership process.  Eventually, everyone will be on the "April to April" schedule.

All new memberships and renewal of expired memberships will have the new expiration date.  Current club members will only be required to pay a prorated membership fee for the time between when their membership expires and the new date.

A "half-dues" option will be available to members wishing to join/renew between November and April.

- Current Cranston Chess Club Members -

Carlos Avalos - 10/31/2013
Artur Bagdasaryan - 7/31/2013
David Barrett - 7/31/2013
Eric Berkey - 12/31/2013
Ed Burnett - 7/31/2013
Neal Buxton - 10/31/2013
Michael Coppa - 6/30/2013
Frank Delbonis - 6/30/2013
Dan Dicecco - 10/31/2013
Richard Dusza - 10/31/2013
Marc Ferretti - 4/30/2014
Louis Giarrusso - 4/30/2013
John Lundell - 7/31/2013
John Magill - 1/31/2014
P.J. Marchand - 2/28/2014
Mark Neale - 8/31/2013
Sarah Renshaw - 4/30/2013
Greg Rickson - 8/31/2013
Stephen Sigman - 8/31/2013
Ben Swiszcz - 4/30/2014
Frank Vogel - 3/31/2014
Nathan Wilcox - 7/31/2013
Boris Zhevelyuk - 6/30/2013

- Expired Membership -

Robert Botelho, Grant Brandon, Matthew Coffin, Michael Elwell, Luis Flores, Stephen Hall, Nicholas Liotta, Rick Massimo, Jean Mclevedge, Lucas Nevola, Clarke Nichols, Earl Salisbury, Ira Shepard, Cory Silva, Eric Zuberi

CCC APRIL 2013 - Week #2

Our April swiss tournament continues...

Week #2 Results
1/2 - Richard Dusza(W) - Boris Zhevelyuk(B)
0-1 - John Magill(W) - Ed Burnett(B)
0-1 - Louis Giarrusso(W) - Marc Ferretti(B)
1/2 - Ben Swiszcz(BYE)
1/2 - Mark Neale(BYE)

Week #2 Standings
1.5 - Ben Swiszcz, Mark Neale, Ed Burnett, Boris Zhevelyuk
1.0 - Richard Dusza, Marc Ferretti
0.0 - John Magill, Louis Giarrusso

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

CCC APRIL 2013 - Week #1

Our April swiss tournament began this week.  This will be a four round event with one game every week (April 2, 9, 16, 23).  All USCF members are welcome to join during any round.  One 1/2-point bye will be given during the first missed week of rounds 1-3 (no 1/2-point bye in the last round).  Entry fee is a "per game" fee, $3 for club members, $5 for non-members.  Club membership is $15/year, $10/year for youth(<19) and seniors(55+).  Prizes are based on # of entries.

The time control for this event is 40/70,SD/30;d5.

Week #1 Results
1/2 - Ed Burnett(W) - Richard Dusza(B)
1-0 - Ben Swiszcz(W) - Louis Giarrusso(B)
1-0 - Boris Zhevelyuk(W) - John Magill(B)
1-0 - Mark Neale(W) - Marc Ferretti(B)

Unrated players and spectators are welcome.  Side-games (rated or unrated) may be available if there are extra players.  See our website for directions.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Cranston CC March 2013

March 26th concluded our monthly swiss tournament.  Dusza and Zhevelyuk tied for first with 2.5 points.  This month we had a 3 round swiss because of the quick tournament at the beginning of the month.

Final Standings
2.5 - Dusza, Zhevelyuk (1st-2nd tied)
1.5 - Vogel, Dicecco, Neale, Burnett, Pita, Monteiro, Adofo (3rd-9th tied)
1.0 - Magill, Giarrusso (10th-11th tied)
0.5 - Estrada, Zou, Marchand, Ferretti, Torres, Boche, Delgado (12th-18th tied)

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Annual Club Meeting on April 2, 2013

The Cranston Chess Club will hold its annual membership meeting on Tuesday April 2, 2013.  The meeting will be held immediately prior to the regular club meeting that night.  The location is the downstairs conference room of the Garden City Shopping Center Management offices which is located next to the Joseph A. Bank building. So all interested parties (you don't have to be a member to attend -you just will not be able to vote) should arrive at the club no later than 6:30 PM at which time the meeting will begin.  The following business at a minimum will be covered:

1. Treasurer report for the past year.
2. Recognition of the new Club Champion.
3. Upcoming planned tournament schedule.
4. Elections for club officers for the upcoming year.
5. Website and blog for the club. 
6. Miscellaneous input from members.
Come with your ideas and input.  The club will only be as good as we all make it!

Frank Vogel
Cranston CC President

Friday, March 22, 2013

Cranston Quick Quads #1

On March 5th 2013 we had a single night event.  The first quad event at the Cranston Chess Club.  Swiszcz and Ferreira are clear 1st in their quads.  Giarrusso and Zhevelyuk tie for 1st in quad #3.  Cross table for the Quick Quad.

Final Standings

Quad #1
2.5 - Swiszcz (1st)
2.0 - Avalos (2nd)
1.0 - Vogel (3rd)
0.5 - Dusza (4th)

Quad #2
3.0 - Ferreira (1st)
1.0 - Dicecco, Burnett, Magill (2nd-4th tied)

Quad #3
2.5 - Giarrusso, Zhevelyuk (1st-2nd tied)
1.0 - Costa (3rd)
0.0 - Marchand (4th)

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Dusza wins 2013 club championship!

Our January and February monthly tournaments were combined to determine our club champion for 2013.  Dusza emerged victorious and undefeated with 7 wins and 1 draw.

For this 8 round tournament two half point byes were available, but had to be declared prior to the start of the 5th round.  Cross tables for 1st HALF and 2nd HALF.

Final Standings
7.5 - Dusza (1st - Undefeated!)
6.0 - Avalos (2nd)
5.0 - Vogel (3rd)
4.5 - Neale (4th)
3.5 - Dicecco, Magil (5th-6th tied)
3.0 - Rickson, Giarrusso, Zhevelyuk (7th-9th tied)
2.0 - Burnett (10th)
1.0 - Salisbury (11th)

A new blog for chess players in Rhode Island!

This blog will be used to post results of tournaments and general information about the Cranston Chess Club.

We meet Tuesdays from 6:30pm until 10:30pm at the Garden City Center in Cranston, which has an excellent array of restaurants, coffee shops, and shopping nearby.

The club's first meeting was February 9, 2005.  Regular members come from all over Rhode Island and parts of Massachusetts.  We've also been lucky to welcome visitors from places farther away, such as Texas and Italy.

We are an affiliate of the USCF with a tournament history that goes back to 2005.  During most weekly meetings you'll find us playing rated games as part of our monthly tournaments.  Occasionally we'll have a single evening quick tournament.

Casual players and spectators are also welcome.

Arrive at 6:30pm.  Games start at 7:00pm.

Find us at 100 Midway Road, Cranston, RI.  We meet in a conference room on the 1st floor of Midway Place.

The club's website is at