Friday, June 28, 2013

Cranston July Weekly and 5th Tuesday Blitz

During the first 4 Tuesdays of July (2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd) we'll have our normal 4-week swiss tournament.  Show up at 6:30, games start at 7:00.  One 1/2 point bye is available during weeks 1-3.  No 1/2 point bye on the 4th week.  Time control is 40/70,SD/30;d5.  Entry fee is $3 per game for club members, $5 per game for non-members.  Prizes for 1st place, 2nd place and top-under-median will be awarded based on the number of entries.

On the 5th Tuesday of July (30th) we'll have a one night blitz event.  Show up at 6:30, games start at 7:00.  6 round swiss with a time control of G/7;d3 (7 minutes with a 3 second delay!).  Entry fee is $3 (members or non-members) for the entire blitz night.  Prizes for 1st and 2nd places will be awarded based on the number of entries.  As of today (June 28 2013) there are only 22 players on the USCF Top Rated (Blitz) Players in RI. Come get your blitz rating established!  See our previous blog post CCC APRIL BLITZ for the results of our last blitz event.

USCF membership is required to play in either of these events.  Non-USCF-members are welcome to stop by and spectate and/or play un-rated side games.

See our website for directions

Thursday, June 27, 2013

CCC JUNE - Week #4

CCC June 2013 ends with a four-way tie for second with this month's tournament winner a full point ahead.

Week #4 Results
1-0 - Ben Swiszcz (W) - Mark Neale (B)
1-0 - Marco Ribizzi (W) - Richard Dusza (B)
0-1 - Ed Burnett (W) - Frank Vogel (B)
0-1 - Marc Ferretti (W) - Boris Zhevelyuk (B)
1-0 - Gil Bricault (W) - Louis Giarrusso (B)
1 - John Magill (BYE)

Week #4 Standings
3.5 - Benjamin Swiszcz
2.5 - Carlos Avalos, Frank Vogel, Marco Ribizzi, Boris Zhevelyuk
2.0 - Richard Dusza, Mark Neale, Gil Bricault
1.5 - Ben Bentrup, John Magill, Ed Burnett, Louis Giarrusso
1.0 - Marc Ferretti
0.5 - James McGrath
0.0 - Alekhine Avalos

1st - Ben Swiszcz
2nd - Carlos Avalos, Frank Vogel, Marco Ribizzi, Boris Zhevelyuk
Top-Under-Median - Gil Bricault

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

CCC JUNE - Week #3

C.Avalos and B.Swiszcz lead with 2.5 points, R.Dusza and M.Neale follow with 2.0 points.  The final round is next week (June 25).

Week #3 Results
1/2 - Richard Dusza (B) - Ben Swiszcz (B)
0-1 - Boris Zhevelyuk (W) - Carlos Avalos (B)
1/2 - Louis Giarrusso (W) - Ed Burnett (B)
1-0 - Frank Vogel (W) - Marc Ferretti (B)
1-0 - Marco Ribizzi (W) - John Magill (B)
1-0 - Gil Bricault (W) - Alekhine Avalos (B)
1/2 - Ben Bentrup (BYE)
1/2 - Mark Neale (BYE)

Week #3 Standings
2.5 - Carlos Avalos, Ben Swiszcz
2.0 - Richard Dusza, Mark Neale
1.5 - Ben Bentrup, Frank Vogel, Marco Ribizzi, Boris Zhevelyuk, Ed Burnett, Louis Giarrusso
1.0 - Marc Ferretti, Gil Bricault
0.5 - John Magill, James McGrath
0.0 - Alekhine Avalos

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

CCC JUNE - Week #2

B.Swiszcz leads with 2.0 points after two rounds.  C.Avalos, R.Dusza, M.Neale and B.Zhevelyuk follow closely with 1.5 points.  Two more rounds to play (June 18 and 25).

Week #2 Results
1-0 - Ben Swiszcz (W) - Ben Bentrup (B)
1/2 - Carlos Avalos (W) - Mark Neale (B)
1/2 - Boris Zhevelyuk (W) - Richard Dusza (B)
1-0 - Ed Burnett (W) - Marco Ribizzi (B)
0-1 - Alekhine Avalos (W) - Louis Giarrusso (B)
1-0 - Marc Ferretti (W) - Gil Bricault (B)
1/2 - James McGrath (BYE)

Week #2 Standings
2.0 - Ben Swiszcz
1.5 - Carlos Avalos, Richard Dusza, Mark Neale, Boris Zhevelyuk
1.0 - Ben Bentrup, Ed Burnett, Louis Giarrusso, Marc Ferretti
0.5 - Marco Ribizzi, James McGrath
0.0 - Alekhine Avalos, Gil Bricault

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

CCC JUNE - Week #1

Our June swiss tournament started this week.  This will be a four round event with one game every week (June 4, 11, 18, 25).

The time control for this event is 40/70,SD/30;d5.

Week #1 Results
1-0 - Ben Bentrup(W) - Ed Burnett(B)
0-1 - Louis Giarrusso(W) - Carlos Avalos(B)
1-0 - Richard Dusza(W) - Marc Ferretti(B)
0-1 - Alekhine Avalos(W) - Ben Swiszcz(B)
1-0 - Mark Neale(W) - James McGrath(B)
0-1 - Gil Bricault(W) - Boris Zhevelyuk(B)