Wednesday, May 29, 2013

CCC MAY - Week #4

This week concludes our CCC May 2013 swiss tournament.

Week #4 Results
1-0 - Carlos Avalos (W) - Boris Zhevelyuk (B)
1/2 - Marc Ferretti (W) - Louis Giarrusso (B)
1-0 - Mark Neale (W) - Ed Burnett (B)

Week #4 Standings
3.5 - Carlos Avalos
2.5 - Tomas Ramirez, Ben Swiszcz
1.5 - Frank Vogel, Dan Dicecco, Mark Neale, Boris Zhevelyuk, Louis Giarrusso, Marc Ferretti
0.5 - Ed Burnett, P.J. Marchand, Alex Shtutin, Gil Bricault

1st - Carlos Avalos
2nd - Tomas Ramirez, Ben Swiszcz
Top-Under-Median - Louis Giarrusso, Marc Ferretti

Sunday, May 26, 2013

2013 Championship Trophy

Richard Dusza, 2013 Cranston Chess Club Champion, receiving his trophy from club president Frank Vogel.  Richard went undefeated with 7 wins and 1 draw in our 8 round club championship earlier this year in January and February.  Photo by Ben Swiszcz.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

CCC May - Week #3

3 players are tied for first with only one round to go!  The last round in May is next Tuesday (5/28).

Week #3 Results
1/2 - Tomas Ramirez (W) - Carlos Avalos (B)
0-1 - Boris Zhevelyuk (W) - Benjamin Swiszcz (B)
0-1 - Louis Giarrusso (W) - Dan Dicecco (B)
0-1 - Ed Burnett (W) - Marc Ferretti (B)
1/2 - Frank Vogel (BYE)

Week #3 Standings
2.5 - Carlos Avalos, Tomas Ramirez, Benjamin Swiszcz
1.5 - Frank Vogel, Dan Dicecco, Boris Zhevelyuk
1.0 - Louis Giarrusso, Marc Ferretti
0.5 - Ed Burnett, P.J. Marchand, Alex Shtutin, Gil Bricault

Monday, May 20, 2013

R.I. State Chess Championship

R.I. State Chess Championship is in less than two weeks!

Mark your calendar for the weekend of June 1st & 2nd. Open, U2000 and U1800 sections are both days (Saturday & Sunday). U1600 and U1200 sections are one day (Sunday Only).

Here is a link to the richess flyer for the event...

Saturday, May 18, 2013

CCC MAY - Week #2

Our May 2013, 4 round swiss, tournament is underway.  Here are the results and standings after two rounds. The next round will be Tuesday May 21.

Week #1 Results
0-1 - P.J. Marchand (W) - Carlos Avalos (B)
1-0 - Tomas Ramirez (W) - Marc Ferretti (B)
0-1 - Alex Shtutin (W) - Frank Vogel (B)
1-0 - Louis Giarrusso (W) - Gil Bricault (B)
1/2 - Benjamin Swiszcz (BYE)
1/2 - Ed Burnett (BYE)
1/2 - Boris Zhevelyuk (BYE)

Week #2 Results
1-0 - Carlos Avalos (W) - Louis Giarrusso (B)
0-1 - Frank Vogel (W) - Tomas Ramirez (B)
1-0 - Benjamin Swiszcz (W) - Ed Burnett (B)
0-1 - Marc Ferretti (W) - Boris Zhevelyuk (B)
1/2 - P.J Marchand (BYE)
1/2 - Alex Shtutin (BYE)
1/2 - Gil Bricault (BYE)

Week #2 Standings
2.0 - Carlos Avalos, Tomas Ramirez
1.5 - Benjamin Swiszcz, Boris Zhevelyuk
1.0 - Frank Vogel, Louis Giarrusso
0.5 - Ed Burnett, P.J. Marchand, Alex Shtutin, Gil Bricault
0.0 - Marc Ferretti

We play every Tuesday at the Garden City Center in Cranston RI.  See our webpage for directions.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


The Cranston Chess Club held its APRIL BLITZ tournament on April 30. Our first blitz rated event.  Ten players + six rounds + three hours = One exciting evening of chess.  G/7;d3 is quite a change of pace from our normal 40/70,SD/30;d5 time control.

Stay tuned, we may do something similar on the 5th Tuesday of July.

Final Blitz Standings
5.0 - Dan Dicecco
4.5 - Mark Neale
4.0 - Alex Shtutin, Frank Vogel
3.5 - Richard Dusza
3.0 - Boris Zhevelyuk, P.J. Marchand
2.0 - Louis Giarrusso
1.0 - Gil Bircault
0.0 - Marc Ferretti

There is not much time for recording your game in blitz.  Here is the only record of any of the games.  The final position...
Black to Move.
Note: White started on rank #8 and Black on #1.  It's blitz, that doesn't mater!