Thursday, April 25, 2013

CCC APRIL - Week #4 - Zhevelyuk-Neale

Testing out a new way to post games from the club on the blog. This game was from this month's final round. I might try to annotate it if I have more time. Enjoy. - Mark

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

CCC APRIL - Week #4

This week concludes our CCC April 2013 swiss tournament.

Week #4 Results
0-1 - Boris Zhevelyuk (W) - Mark Neale (B)
1-0 - Richard Dusza (W) - Marc Ferretti (B)
0-1 - Ed Burnett (W) - Frank Vogel (B)
1-0 - John Magill (W) - Gil Bricault (B)
1-0 - P.J. Marchand (W) - Louis Giarrusso (B)

Week #4 Standings
3.5 - Mark Neale
3.0 - Richard Dusza
2.5 - Boris Zhevelyuk
1.5 - Frank Vogel, Ben Swiszcz, John Magill, Ed Burnett, Cameron Pita, Yang Ming Zou, P.J. Marchand, Alex Shtutin
1.0 - Marc Ferretti
0.5 - Louis Giarrusso, Bryan Boche, Naythan Delgado, Gil Bricault

1st - Mark Neale
2nd - Richard Dusza
Top-Under-Median - Boris Zhevelyuk

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

CCC APRIL - Week #3

Our April swiss tournament continues...

Next Tuesday (April 23) will be the last round of this event.  Prizes* will be given to 1st, 2nd and Top-Under-Median**

Week #3 Results
0-1 - Ed Burnett (W) - Mark Neale (B)
0-1 - Marc Ferretti (W) - Boris Zhevelyuk (B)
0-1 - Frank Vogel (W) - Richard Dusza (B)
0-1 - Bryan Broche (W) - Cameron Pita (B)
1-0 - Yang Ming Zou (W) - Naythan Delgado (B)
1-0 - Alex Shtutin (W) - P.J. Marchand (B)
1/2 - Louis Giarrusso (W) - John Magill (B)

Week #3 Standings
2.5 - Mark Neale, Boris Zhevelyuk
2.0 - Richard Dusza
1.5 - Benjamin Swiszcz, Edwin Burnett, Cameron Pita, Yang Ming Zou, Alex Shtutin
1.0 - Marc Ferretti
0.5 - Frank Vogel, John Magill, Louis Giarrusso, P.J. Marchand, Bryan Boche, Naythan Delgado

* The prize fund is equal to 85% of the entry fees collected.  1st receives 55% of the prize fund, 2nd receives 30% and Top-Under-Median receives 15%.
** The tournament median rating is calculated by averaging the weekly median rating of the players that played each week.  Top-Under-Median is the highest scoring player with a published rating that is lower than the tournament median.  The April 2013 rating supplement is being used for this tournament.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Cranston 5th Tuesday Blitz!

Mark your calendars.  April 30th the Cranston Chess Club will host its first blitz tournament.  Come to establish your new BLITZ rating.

6SS, G/7;d3, EF: $3 to CCC members, $5 to non-members, Prizes: Based on # of entries, Reg: 6:30-6:55pm, Rnds: 7:00pm then ASAP, Byes: One 1/2 point bye available in any round except the final round.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Cranston Chess Club Membership

Club membership is $15/year, $10/year for youth(<19) and seniors(55+).  Club membership is not required to play in our tournaments.  However, members have reduced entry fees ($3/game for members, vs. $5/game for non-members).

At our club meeting this year it was decided to transition all memberships to the same expiration date, (4/30/2014).  This should simplify the membership process.  Eventually, everyone will be on the "April to April" schedule.

All new memberships and renewal of expired memberships will have the new expiration date.  Current club members will only be required to pay a prorated membership fee for the time between when their membership expires and the new date.

A "half-dues" option will be available to members wishing to join/renew between November and April.

- Current Cranston Chess Club Members -

Carlos Avalos - 10/31/2013
Artur Bagdasaryan - 7/31/2013
David Barrett - 7/31/2013
Eric Berkey - 12/31/2013
Ed Burnett - 7/31/2013
Neal Buxton - 10/31/2013
Michael Coppa - 6/30/2013
Frank Delbonis - 6/30/2013
Dan Dicecco - 10/31/2013
Richard Dusza - 10/31/2013
Marc Ferretti - 4/30/2014
Louis Giarrusso - 4/30/2013
John Lundell - 7/31/2013
John Magill - 1/31/2014
P.J. Marchand - 2/28/2014
Mark Neale - 8/31/2013
Sarah Renshaw - 4/30/2013
Greg Rickson - 8/31/2013
Stephen Sigman - 8/31/2013
Ben Swiszcz - 4/30/2014
Frank Vogel - 3/31/2014
Nathan Wilcox - 7/31/2013
Boris Zhevelyuk - 6/30/2013

- Expired Membership -

Robert Botelho, Grant Brandon, Matthew Coffin, Michael Elwell, Luis Flores, Stephen Hall, Nicholas Liotta, Rick Massimo, Jean Mclevedge, Lucas Nevola, Clarke Nichols, Earl Salisbury, Ira Shepard, Cory Silva, Eric Zuberi

CCC APRIL 2013 - Week #2

Our April swiss tournament continues...

Week #2 Results
1/2 - Richard Dusza(W) - Boris Zhevelyuk(B)
0-1 - John Magill(W) - Ed Burnett(B)
0-1 - Louis Giarrusso(W) - Marc Ferretti(B)
1/2 - Ben Swiszcz(BYE)
1/2 - Mark Neale(BYE)

Week #2 Standings
1.5 - Ben Swiszcz, Mark Neale, Ed Burnett, Boris Zhevelyuk
1.0 - Richard Dusza, Marc Ferretti
0.0 - John Magill, Louis Giarrusso

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

CCC APRIL 2013 - Week #1

Our April swiss tournament began this week.  This will be a four round event with one game every week (April 2, 9, 16, 23).  All USCF members are welcome to join during any round.  One 1/2-point bye will be given during the first missed week of rounds 1-3 (no 1/2-point bye in the last round).  Entry fee is a "per game" fee, $3 for club members, $5 for non-members.  Club membership is $15/year, $10/year for youth(<19) and seniors(55+).  Prizes are based on # of entries.

The time control for this event is 40/70,SD/30;d5.

Week #1 Results
1/2 - Ed Burnett(W) - Richard Dusza(B)
1-0 - Ben Swiszcz(W) - Louis Giarrusso(B)
1-0 - Boris Zhevelyuk(W) - John Magill(B)
1-0 - Mark Neale(W) - Marc Ferretti(B)

Unrated players and spectators are welcome.  Side-games (rated or unrated) may be available if there are extra players.  See our website for directions.